Recent advances in AI may catalyse a transformation in education. Current generative AI (GenAI) tools are powerful, yet brittle. They can act as useful learning companions, but they are known to be unreliable, often biased and potentially misleading. There is an urgent need to develop critical AI literacy in learners, and to support teachers in developing the skills and knowledge to incorporate GenAI in their classroom teaching and learning responsibly. As part of the RAi UK Skills Programme, our team are working closely with teachers and partner organisations in Scotland (The Scottish Government, Education Scotland, Scottish Qualifications Authority) to create resources to support key critical AI literacy skills to equip young people for living and working in the age of AI and offer professional learning for teachers. You can learn more about the project on the University of Edinburgh’s Centre for Research in Digital Education website: AI in Secondary Schools | Digital Education.
In the context of this project, we have brought together a cohort of six AI Teachers in Residence from secondary schools in Scotland who will create learning resources on the use and understanding of AI across different subjects. In order to support them, we deliver professional learning workshops. This is us with our Resident teachers after the workshop we held on the 19th November 2024 at the Edinburgh Futures Institute.
Our six AI Teachers in Residence are set to conduct innovative, interdisciplinary work on the use of AI at their respective schools. Learn more about them and their interest in AI: AI Teachers in Residence – Data Education in Schools.
You can read about all Responsible AI Skills projects here.