How we use your data

The Data Education in Schools project team only uses the personal data you have provided in order to deliver and improve the opportunities and services we provide in a personalised manner, to ensure each individual receives relevant information.


We will use your personal data to allow us to process your registration, communicate with you and obtain your feedback about the event. We process information about you for these purposes because by registering for our events, you are entering into a contractual agreement for us to do so.  In order to facilitate online bookings for our events, we use Microsoft Forms (professional learning workshops), Microsoft Teams, and Eventbrite, third party services which are not operated by the University of Edinburgh.

Eventbrite privacy policy

Microsoft Teams Event Registration Site Terms of Service

If you wish to attend an event organised by Data Education in Schools but do not wish to use Eventbrite or the Microsoft Teams registration service to sign up, please email us at, subject line ‘Event query’. We will not share your personal information with any other third party.

Occasionally we will work with partner organisations (such as Digital Skills Education) to organise an event. Where event enrolment is managed by such organisations they will be responsible for sharing their privacy policy.

After our events, we may ask you for feedback as it is our legitimate interest to help us improve any future events we organise.  Your personal details will be removed from Eventbrite after 120 days and held securely by the University of Edinburgh until the Data Education in Schools project end date (2027). We will not download registration data from Microsoft Teams but End User Identifiable Information will be retained by Microsoft for up to 180 days after the user is actively deleted or their Microsoft subscription comes to an end.

We do not use profiling or automated decision-making processes.   If you have any questions, please contact using the subject line ‘Event query’.

This Privacy Statement is continued here

Professional Learning Workshops

If you sign up to attend a professional learning workshop or data literacy course (via email or application form) we will process your data for the purpose of participating in the course, communicating with you about the course and obtaining your feedback. We will process the information about you for these purposes because by registering for our professional learning workshops you are entering a contractual agreement for us to do so. Your information will be held securely on University of Edinburgh servers for the duration of the Data Education in Schools programme. We will pass on your name and school details to your local authority professional learning contact to notify them of your participation in our professional learning opportunities (Edinburgh and SE Scotland city region only). We do not use profiling or automated decision-making processes. If you have any questions, please contact (subject line ‘UK GDPR query’).

This Privacy Statement is continued here.

Mailing List

We are using Mailchimp as our mailing system. The information you provide will be used by the University to:

  • Keep you up to date with news and progress regarding the Data Education in Schools project.
  • Provide you with information on any services you have requested
  • Ensure we only communicate with you about events, opportunities, or services of interest to you

We will only use information about you because you have previously indicated your interest to be added to our newsletter mailing list, signed up to our mailing list at one of our events, because we received an email directly from you or the legal basis for our emails is legitimate interest (University of Edinburgh email address holders only).  You can opt out of the mailing list at any time by unsubscribing. We will also query whether you wish to remain on our mailing list annually.

We do not use profiling or automated decision-making processes.  A human decision maker will always be involved before any decision is reached in relation to you.

This Privacy Statement is continued here.


MailChimp (owned by Intuit from 10th January 2022) is a third-party service that is not owned or managed by the University of Edinburgh. Recipient lists, including email addresses, are stored on a secure MailChimp server in the USA for the purposes of email newsletter distribution. You are free to unsubscribe from the service at any time.

The University of Edinburgh does not accept any responsibility or liability for Mailchimp’s policies but you may consult them below

Mailchimp’s Terms and Conditions

Intuit’s Privacy Policy

Last reviewed: 21 Dec 2022

Next review date: 31 Dec 2023