We’re thrilled that our data skills live lessons have now reached over 20,000 learners.

Our engagement counters tipped over 20,000 as a result of the 2022 Maths Week Scotland ‘Data Selfie’ event held on 27th September 2022.

To date, we have developed three live lesson activities in partnership with Skills Development Scotland and with Digital Skills Education, an organisation developing interactive training that brings digital skills to life.

‘Defend the Rhino’ shows learners how machine learning can be used to protect wildlife from poachers. Our ‘Data Selfie’ live lesson enables to learners create data visualisations based on their own data. Our ‘Plug in the Numbers’ lesson was developed in advance of the 2021 COP26 climate conference to support learners to explore the use of solar planes on their school buildings to reduce carbon emissions.

Our activities are aimed at P7-S4 learners and can be accessed anytime outside of specific livestream events.

Data visualisations created by learners through the Data Selfie live lesson can be viewed in an online gallery.

Data Selfie Digital Gallery

Go to Live Lesson activities

Skills Development Scotland

Digital Skills Education

Maths Weeks Scotland

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