In our Teach Data guide we linked to some resources from New Zealand on Cats and Dragons (or Dragonistics).  Unfortunately these fab resources from Dr Nic are no longer being produced, so we thought we’d share some alternatives.

Census At School (in New Zealand again!) have a lovely data cards resource about the census.  They also have data cards for the New Zealand 2024 Olympics team.

Across in USA the Concord Consortium (who make the fab CODAP) have a data cards activity on moths.

And here in Scotland we are planning a data cards game of our very own!  We have consulted Primary and Secondary teachers about possible topics and are now a partner on making an exciting game.  We can’t wait to share it when it’s ready!

Maybe you could make some data cards with your learners?  You could try making a Top Trumps card game.

If you’d like to learn more about how the Dragonistics cards worked, Dr Nic has some great YouTube videos on how to use them in class.