The latest Raspberry Pi foundation publication ‘(Hello World)’ features an interview with Professor Judy Robertson focused on research exploring children’s understanding of AI through their interactions with smart speakers.

(Hello World) has a readership of 39K across 190 countries. The October issue focuses on Teaching and AI.

The article ‘Alexa, what are you thinking about?’ shares key findings from the ‘Designing conversational assistants to reduce gender bias’ research project (funded by EPSRC).  Judy reports on a survey involving 166 learners aged 8-11 and follow up focus group interviews.

“This research showed that children aren’t sure what to think of smart speakers. In the survey, when asked whether smart speakers have feelings, or can make decisions  for themselves, many answered ‘maybe’” – Professor Judy Robertson

The article also points to resources available for teachers looking to help children understand AI.


Professor Judy Robertson

Read the article ‘Alexa, what are you thinking?’

Andries, V & Robertson, J 2023 ‘”Alexa doesn’t have that many feelings”: Children’s understanding of AI through interactions with smart speakers in their homes’.

Event recording ‘‘Alexa doesn’t have that many feelings’: Children’s understanding of AI through interactions with smart speakers in their homes – Media Hopper Create

Designing Conversational Assistants to Reduce Gender Bias | Digital Education

AI literacy resources

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