What do crocodiles and classroom CO2 have in common? The Internet of Things (IoT).

Learners from Addiewell Primary School have been sharing their experiences using sensors to help monitor the light, humidity, temperature and CO2 in their classrooms. A high performance computer at Edinburgh’s International Data Facility translates the sensor data into graphs and charts that learners and teachers can use in the classroom.

P7 learners at Addiewell Primary have used the data gathered via their sensors to make decisions about their school environment installing a plant wall to reduce the CO2 levels in their classroom. Extending their learning, pupils reached out to Five Sisters Zoo to install sensors in the crocodile enclosure to compare it to their own classroom environment.

Launched in 2019, the IoT Schools Network is currently embedded in 43 of the south-east of Scotland region’s schools. The majority of the remaining 525 schools are expected to join by the end of the school year. The IoT in Schools programme works closely with the Data Education in Schools team to support learning and teaching with sensor data – developing and sharing knowledge and resources across the region’s schools.

We look forward to supporting all schools across the south east of Scotland city region to use the data from their Internet of Things project – asking good questions, making decisions and thinking about the possibilities for using data to influence their own lives and the wider community.

The IoT Schools Network is one of more than 3,000 research ventures involved in the University’s Data Driven Innovation (DDI) programme, now celebrating its fifth year. The Data Education in Schools team is part of the wider Data Skills Gateway. Both programmes are funded by the UK and Scottish Governments through the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal.

Further coverage of Addiewell Primary’s IoT project can be found via the links below.


Schools sensor network boosts pupils’ data skills | The University of Edinburgh

West Lothian pupils compare classroom conditions to crocodile enclosure in data driven project | STV News

Addiewell Primary works with Edinburgh Uni on Internet of Things | The Herald 

Schools sensor network on track to boost pupils’ data skills – DDI

Addiewell Primary share highlights from their project (You Tube)

Edinburgh’s International Data Facility

City Region Deal

Data Driven Innovation


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