Welcome Dr Jasmeen Kanwal!
Data Education in Schools welcomes Dr Jasmeen Kanwal to the team as our new Project Officer. Over the next two years, I will be working with Kate Farrell (Director of Curriculum Development and Professional Learning) to develop and promote teaching resources and professional learning opportunities for teachers, as well as…
Book Review: The Alignment Problem
Through an impressive mastery of cutting-edge papers in AI, a deep understanding of the history of cognitive science, and four hundred interviews with leading scientists, Brian Christian presents an in-depth account of AI and how we can engineer it to align with human values. I studied AI at university, and…
The class that kept falling asleep
Or… How data skills can keep you awake! Jo Spiller, Judy Robertson and Tommy Lawson presented on the themes of teaching data skills, data ethics and artificial intelligence as part of the University of Edinburgh Learning and Teaching Conference 2022 held in June. Their presentation is now available via the…
Teacher Professional Learning Workshops – book now!
We know from our teacher community it can be difficult to travel for professional learning so we’re changing our professional learning (PL) model and bringing our workshops to schools in the Edinburgh and South East of Scotland area (Fife, Edinburgh, West Lothian, Midlothian, East Lothian, Scottish Borders)! If you are…
About our research
We’ve usually got a research project running alongside Data Education in Schools. We’re interested to find out how we can teach data literacy more effectively, and how to make our events and materials more interesting and fun. Research Team The research team members are: Judy Robertson Serdar Abaci Holly Linklater …
Using data to help teachers find resources
Can you contribute to developing better tools to help teachers find educational resources online? Researchers from the University of Edinburgh are studying how teachers in Scotland find, use, and share online educational resources in their teaching, with the aim of developing tools to make this easier. We are doing short…
Published! Hello World
Hello World, the computing and digital making magazine for educators, has published an article on our British Sign Language project. The article is featured on the Hello World website and in Hello World Issue 19: Sustainability and Computing. The article provides an overview of the project and its aim to…
Published! Reflections on the work of the CSYPAG
Professor Judy Robertson’s reflections on the work of the Computer Science Young People’s Advisory Group have been published on the FutureScot website. Judy considers some of the key findings of the advisory group in the context of Professor Mark Logan’s review of the Scottish Technology Ecosystem and Professor Ken Muir’s…
Report published! Learners’ views of computer science in Scotland
What are young people’s views about how computing is taught in Scottish schools? How would they prefer to learn and how could we encourage more young people to study the subject? Professor Judy Robertson and learners from the Young People’s Advisory Group in Computer Science answer these questions in a…
4 day Data Literacy course (primary)
Moray House School of Education and Sport is offering a free course on data literacy in the primary classroom. Data literacy is the ability to ask questions, collect, analyse, interpret, communicate about data. As technology makes it easier to collect vast amounts of data, the skills to use data to…
Winner! Digital Technology Awards
Tommy Lawson, Schools Technology Advisor for Data Education in Schools, won the ‘Unsung Hero’ award at the ScotlandIS Digital Technology Awards held in Glasgow last night. The ceremony recognised individuals and organisations through 11 awards, including Public Sector Innovation (won by iOpt), Climate Champion (Clearview Intelligence), Open Source Contribution…
Learners’ Views About Computer Science in Scottish Schools
There are lots of changes happening in Scottish Education at the moment, including the Scottish Government’s plans to improve the Scottish Tech Ecosystem after the Logan Report. But what are young people’s views about how computing is taught in Scottish schools? How would they prefer to learn and how could…