New project: Designing conversational assistants to reduce gender bias

Recently, biased machine learning has received increased attention. This project will address a different type of bias which is not learnt from data, but encoded during the design process. We illustrate this problem on the example of Conversational Assistants, such as Amazon's Alexa, Apple's Siri, Microsoft's Cortana, or Google's Assistant, which are predominately modelled as young, submissive women. According to UNESCO, this bears the risk of reinforcing gender stereotypes. In this project, we will explore this claim via psychological studies on how conversational gendering (expressed through voice, content and style) influences human behaviour in both online and offline interactions. Based on the insights gained, we will establish a principled framework for designing and developing alternative conversational personas which are less likely to perpetuate bias. A persona can be viewed as a composite of elements of identity (background facts or user profile), language behaviour, and interaction style. This framework will include state-of-the-art data-efficient NLP deep learning tools for generating dialogue responses which are consistent with a given persona. The persona parameters can be specified by non-expert users in order to to facilitate more inclusive design, as well as to enable a wider critical discussion.

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Update from Professor Greg Michaelson

Professor Greg Michaelson is supporting the Data Education in Schools research strand with a longstanding interest in how people understand programs, and in the pedagogic bases for teaching programming.

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Cityfibre update

While the virus has forced us all to change our behaviour for the time being, it is also providing us with opportunities to increase the amount of online content available to support young people, their families and their teachers.

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Our Response to COVID-19

We have taken the measures listed below in response to the challenges presented as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

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Learn about Smart Cities with Data Education For Schools & CityFibre

Register your interest now to receive free resources and support to design your very own SmartCity.

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Industry specialists working together with teachers to create and deliver a new cyber security lesson

For the first time cyber industry specialists have worked together with teachers to create and deliver a new cyber security lesson.

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New Smart City pilot for Edinburgh schools announced as digital transformation continues

School pupils across Edinburgh will be challenged to come up with creative ways of using new technologies to tackle local issues and help transform their hometown into a Smart City as part of a unique partnership with local businesses and organisations. 

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Greg Michaelson

Greg Michaelson joined the Centre for Research in Digital Education as an Honorary Professor in October 2019. 

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Women in Data

Celebrating women working in data and challenging industry to promote and retain women are core priorities for the  Data Driven Innovation  'Women in Data' project.   Professor Judy Robertson, Chair in Digital Learning, led the project and was also  one of 60 women interviewed about their work in the tech sector.  

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