This is an ‘unplugged’ activity to help demystify AI, where learners work together to create a simple ‘ChatGPT’ system to generate a story.

This activity follows on from the ‘Is this a Zegah?‘ and ‘Let’s generate a sentence‘ activities about AI.

The ‘Let’s generate a sentence’ activity might not have gone so well.  Our sentence didn’t really reflect a prompt.  Also, the sentence you wrote was maybe more like “The elephant flew under the train” than “The cat sat on the mat”, with no connection between the individual words.

For example, if the animal selected was a cat, then verbs like ‘purred’ and ‘pounced’ and ‘lazed’ would be far more likely than verbs such as ‘barked’ and ‘fetched’.

So, we’re going to try again. We’re going to write a story.  This time, we’re going to be able to see the last few words in the sentence.  We will also have a prompt.

This activity is very similar to the game Consequences where you write words and fold over the paper and pass it on (or Cheddar Gorge where you try to keep a sentence going as long as possible).  We’re going to adapt this a little so we can see the last three words in the sentence, which reflects the limited ‘memory’ in AI systems like Chat-GPT.

Powerpoint Slides and script / instructions