History of graphs

Humans have been drawing information visually since the times of the cavemen and we have been recording data in tables since the 2nd century.  However, the person seen as the father of statistical graphics was a Scot, William Playfair (1759-1823).

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Choosing an optional unit for the NPA Data Science

There are two core units in the National Progression Award (NPA) in Data Science, and at Level 5 and 6 there is also an optional unit.  There's a great choice of options, so hopefully centres and educators will find one that suits their situation and their learners interests.

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Topics in the NPA Data Science

Educators new to Data Science often wonder what is actually covered in the National Progression Award (NPA) in Data Science.  We will explain the main topics covered in the core units of the qualification.

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Assessment in the NPA Data Science

Educators interested in offering the National Progression Award (or NPA) in Data Science often wonder about how assessment works for NPA qualifications, and for the NPA Data Science specifically.

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Software for the NPA Data Science

One of the most common questions we get asked about the new National Progression Award (NPA) in Data Science is what software or programming languages will schools need to run the course.

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