Welcome to West Lothian Council staff! We hope you find interesting and engaging data literacy ideas here that you can use with your learners!
Learn more about Data Literacy

‘Teach Data Literacy: a guide for primary teachers’ supports teachers to enhance opportunities for all to build the skills relevant to problem-solving with data.
The guide offers practical guidance, links to resources and a poster to support teaching data literacy skills and concepts across the primary curriculum.
We have a collection of short 2-3min videos on how to teach data literacy and about the PPDAC framework we use for supporting learners to solve problems with data.

Get started teaching Data Literacy

Try using our Data Explorer cards to help learners take those first steps in identifying and solving problems with data.
Try out one of our Data-themed ‘Live Lessons’ with your learners. You can save a rhino from poachers using Machine Learning, reduce your school’s carbon footprint with solar power, create artworks from personal data, or make unbiased decisions with data about which learners should win a prize.

Turn data in our everyday lives into beautiful artworks with our Dear Data lessons – no computers required, just felt pens and creativity!
Data Science in the Senior Phase

The SQA have a qualification available for schools, the National Progression Award in Data Science at Levels 4,5,6. Find out more about this qualification, how it can be taught with different curricular contexts, and see the teaching resources available at Teachdata.science.
Our partners at Effini have been developing a large range of lessons covering all the concepts in the core units of the NPA with practical activities in Excel or Python. These resources can also be used in other subject areas and have been repurposed by The Data Lab to support adults to learn Data Skills for Work.

Questions? Ideas? Want to collaborate?
Our team would love to hear from you!
Join our mailing list or email us at dataschools@ed.ac.uk.

Header image by Mike McBey, shared with Creative Commons at Flickr.