Learn more about Data Literacy

‘Teach Data Literacy: a guide for primary teachers’ supports teachers to enhance opportunities for all to build the skills relevant to problem-solving with data.
The guide offers practical guidance, links to resources and a poster to support teaching data literacy skills and concepts across the primary curriculum.
We have a collection of short 2-3min videos on how to teach data literacy and about the PPDAC framework we use for supporting learners to solve problems with data.

Get started teaching Data Literacy

Try using our Data Explorer cards to help learners take those first steps in identifying and solving problems with data.
Try out one of our Data-themed ‘Live Lessons’ with your learners. You can save a rhino from poachers using Machine Learning, reduce your school’s carbon footprint with solar power, create artworks from personal data, or make unbiased decisions with data about which learners should win a prize.

Turn data in our everyday lives into beautiful artworks with our Dear Data lessons – no computers required, just felt pens and creativity!
Resources – Micro:bit
Make a Micro:Pet that smiles and sings! In this lesson, learners will code a micro:bit to show a face and make sounds. The learners can then design a papercraft monster to fit round the micro:bit. Micro:bit Monsters (Early/First Level version) – Data Education in Schools (dataschools.education)
4 day data literacy course
We offer a free course on data literacy in the primary classroom with covered provided for 2 teachers per authority each year.
The course runs over four full-day sessions Sept-March. All sessions will be taught face-to-face and held in central Edinburgh. You will need to attend them all. The course will be taught by Professor Judy Robertson and Dr Holly Linklater and will include collaboration with data scientists, colleagues in industry, and educational experts.
Topics covered will include:
- Exploring how data is used to solve real life problems
- The data cycle
- Links, strategies and big questions
4 day Data Literacy courses – Data Education in Schools (dataschools.education)