Datasets resource

Interested in Pokemon? Hip hop music? Air quality? Gender equality? Football? Space dogs? There's a data set for it!

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Data Explorer Cards

Our Data Explorer cards introduce children and young people to a data problem-solving approach (PPDAC). The design builds on informal question-asking behaviours and supports learners’ exploration of data in relation to the themes of Lego! Birds! Lost Property! Plastics! or a theme of their choosing. Question prompts on the cards support learners to explore problems, plan, collect data, analyse and draw conclusions.

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Spotify Data Analysis

Spotify Data Analysis makes use of secondary data from Spotify.

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Make a Top Trumps Game

Helping learners become familiar with the idea of data and how it can be categorised.

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Make a Guess Who Game

Using the well known children’s game to help us think about data, categorisation and pattern matching.

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Experiences and Outcomes

This Excel sheet is a guide to the Experiences and Outcomes in the Scottish 'Broad General Education' curriculum that feature data literacy.

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