
How to Increase Computing Student Numbers – Growing a new generation of computer scientists

How to Increase Computing Student Numbers I was asked to speak at the SQA Computing Conference at the beginning of this year so I decided to talk about something which had been puzzling me recently. Why are the number of computing students at school dropping in Scotland, when the number…


Moray House Staff and Students Supporting Online Learning

Moray House Staff and Students Supporting Online Learning by creating Moray House Online. During early March, schools and universities closed and education for most people changed completely. The staff and students within Moray House School of Education and Sport came together with a desire to help learners, teachers, parents and…


Badgers: Evidence of absence or absence of evidence?

Absence of evidence or evidence of absence is a common scientific discussion point. How can badgers help us understand it more clearly. When we moved into our house, our neighbour told us that he often saw badgers in his garden. “Great”, we said, hoping we’d see them gamboling outside our…


Apps & Tools to support data literacy

Data literacy is becoming an increasingly important skill. The good news is that means many organisations are starting to develop apps &  tools to support data literacy with learners of all ages (an their teachers!) in their journey to develop their data skills. The list below provides links to some…


Computing Education with Industry support

Computing education with industry support Helping young people develop digital skills is important part of their educational experience. It can be challenging to keep up to date with the ever increasing number programs and tools that we are using in the classroom. One way of gaining some support is to…


Data Explorers – Yummy Graphs!

Did you know you can eat a data visualisation?! Introducing Data Explorers – Yummy Graphs! It is easy to think that data visualisations are just 2D bar charts created in Excel or using a pen and paper but our colleague Kate Farrell has has been showing us some playful and…


Data Explorers – Asking Questions about Coronavirus

Data Explorers – Asking Questions about Coronavirus One of the first learning areas we explore within our data science curriculum is questions. We encourage young people to use question words to find more depth in data. For example you might ask someone what programs did you watch last week? This…


Data Explorers – Happy Graphs

Data Explorers – Happy Graphs – Having fun with Twitter Data Data Explorers is our occasional blog series that aims to provide interesting ideas and discussion topics using data. Each video is 8 to 10 minutes long and aimed at teachers and other adults. We aim to consider diverse topic areas…


Book Review: You Look Like a Thing and I Love You

I’ve just finished the book You Look Like a Thing and I Love You (available in multiple formats from Amazon)  and it is hilarious! It’s written by Janelle Shane who has a PhD in electronic engineering and is author of the blog AI Weirdness. I love it because it is so refreshing….


Update from Professor Greg Michaelson

Professor Greg Michaelson is supporting the Data Education in Schools research strand with a longstanding interest in how people understand programs, and in the pedagogic bases for teaching programming. In 2018, Greg, with Liam Doyle (visiting Research Assistant from Heriot-Watt University), carried out a pilot study of young people’s competences…


Building Digital Infrastructure Capacity

We have been collaborating with Digital Leaders from the six councils in the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region. One of the aims of this collaboration was to recommend the appropriate digital technology infrastructure which is required to support the data education curriculum. The report is in three parts;…


Cityfibre update

While the virus has forced us all to change our behaviour for the time being, it is also providing us with opportunities to increase the amount of online content available to support young people, their families and their teachers. We are therefore very excited to be able to bring our…