What’s Going on in this Graph – SDGs & Water

This resource develops learner's data interpretation skills by asking " What's going on in this graph?"  This material was taken from our Webinar – Making a Splash with Data

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Currents & Tides – Developing Data Literacy Skills

This resource introduces an understanding of currents and tides in water. How can we understand currents and tides, how can it improve our understanding of the world. Young people are encouraged to develop data literacy skills through an understanding of water. This material was taken from our Webinar - Making a Splash with Data

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All About Water – Developing Data Literacy Skills

This resource introduces an understanding of water on our planet and helps learners understand where water is found and how it is used. Young people are encouraged to develop data literacy skills through an understanding of water. This material was taken from our Webinar - Making a Splash with Data

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Spooky Data – Learning about Databases

This resource uses the Scottish witch trials as the context to develop learners’ data literacy skills and to introduce the idea of a database.

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The Boy at the Back of the Class – Using Data

This activity provides data learning opportunities for classes reading ‘The Boy At The Back Of The Class’ by Onjali Q. Raúf.

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Gapminder Cards – Data to Challenge our Assumptions

A card game to help us understand how we can use data to challenge our assumptions about our communities and cities.

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Useful Datasets for Data Education in Schools

A wide range of useful datasets that can support data education in schools.

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Experiences and Outcomes

This Excel sheet is a guide to the Experiences and Outcomes in the Scottish 'Broad General Education' curriculum that feature data literacy.

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