Curriculum Level:
Curricular area:
Topics and Themes:
PPDAC Framework:
Data Literacy Outcomes in the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence, by level and topic
We have identified outcomes across the whole Broad General Education and grouped them into topics suitable for applying Data Skills.
- Curriculum Level: Early (Pre 5 & P1) First (P2-P4) Second (P5-P7) Senior Phase (S4-6) Third (S1-S3)
Unmasking data disasters
An online Cyber Skills Live activity where students uncover the identities of people within an anonymous dataset.
- Curriculum Level: First (P2-P4) Second (P5-P7)
Data Selfie
An online Cyber Skills Live activity where students create a piece of data-driven art about themselves.
- Curriculum Level: First (P2-P4) Second (P5-P7)
Plug in the Numbers
This is a online Cyber Skills live activity where students fight climate change by creating a renewable energy system for their school.
- Curriculum Level: First (P2-P4) Second (P5-P7)
Defend the Rhino
This is an activity made with Cyber Skills live, where students stop a gang of rhino poachers.
- Curriculum Level: First (P2-P4) Second (P5-P7)
Undercover Mission in Norway
This activity is part of our set of Data-themed Escape Rooms. For background info on the DATA Agency and the VIKINGS villains, read our Top Secret Brief.
- Curriculum Level: First (P2-P4) Second (P5-P7)
Feelings Threads
This is a data visualisation feelings tracking activity that combines creativity, emotional awareness, and data collection in a unique and engaging activity for primary school students.
- Curriculum Level: First (P2-P4) Second (P5-P7)
Escape Rooms
Click on the page below for a number of Escape Room Tasks!
- Curriculum Level: First (P2-P4) Second (P5-P7)
NPA Curriculum Materials
This page provides access to a comprehensive set of resources covering a significant portion of the National Progression Award (NPA) curriculum across Levels 4, 5, and 6.
- Curriculum Level: NPA Data Science Senior Phase (S4-6)
Let’s write a story
This is an 'unplugged' activity to help demystify AI, where learners work together to create a simple 'ChatGPT' system to generate a story.
- Curriculum Level: First (P2-P4) Second (P5-P7) Third (S1-S3)
Let’s generate a sentence
This is an 'unplugged' activity to help demystify AI, where learners work together to create a baby 'ChatGPT' system and generate a sentence.
- Curriculum Level: First (P2-P4) Second (P5-P7) Third (S1-S3)
Is this a Zegah?
This is a little activity to help demystify AI to try and explain in a very simple way how machine learning works, what the chat bots we’re using are actually doing, what are large language models actually doing?
- Curriculum Level: First (P2-P4) Second (P5-P7) Third (S1-S3)
Data Cards
In our Teach Data guide we linked to some resources from New Zealand on Cats and Dragons (or Dragonistics). Unfortunately these fab resources from Dr Nic are no longer being produced, so we thought we'd share some alternatives.
- Curriculum Level: First (P2-P4) Second (P5-P7)
Weaving Data
In this award-winning, unplugged activity, learners use strips of material woven into a fence or other large frame to display data, creating a collaborative art installation that is both eye-catching and conversation-sparking.
- Curriculum Level: Early (Pre 5 & P1) First (P2-P4) Second (P5-P7)
Fizzy Data
Create your own Zero-waste Data Physicalisation (or Fizzy Data, for short!) In this activity that requires both creativity and understanding a data set, learners will create a fun, physical representation of a provided data set using the materials and tools available.
- Curriculum Level: First (P2-P4) Second (P5-P7) Third (S1-S3)
Data Viz Quiz
Put your graph-reading skills to the test in our Data Viz Quiz challenge!
- Curriculum Level: NPA Data Science Senior Phase (S4-6) Third (S1-S3)
Christmas Graphs Quiz
Put your graph-reading skills to the test in our seasonal Data Viz Quiz challenge!
- Curriculum Level: NPA Data Science Senior Phase (S4-6) Third (S1-S3)
Books for discussing data
Below is a list of books which teachers have found useful for starting conversations about data in the classroom. Book reviews from teachers and learners will be linked below each title as we receive them.
- Curriculum Level: Early (Pre 5 & P1) First (P2-P4) NPA Data Science Second (P5-P7) Senior Phase (S4-6) Third (S1-S3)
Data Visualisation Examples
We have pulled together an (ever-growing!) set of data visualisation examples, categorised by type—e.g. bar charts, pie charts, line graphs, scatter plots, histograms, heat maps, and many more—as well as curricular level at which we would expect comprehension and creation of each graph.
- Curriculum Level: Early (Pre 5 & P1) First (P2-P4) NPA Data Science Second (P5-P7) Senior Phase (S4-6) Third (S1-S3)
Create your own Escape Room
This activity is part of our set of Data-themed Escape Rooms. For background info on the DATA Agency and the VIKINGS villains, read our Top Secret Brief.
- Curriculum Level: Second (P5-P7) Third (S1-S3)
Stop the Time Heist!
This activity is part of our set of Data-themed Escape Rooms. For background info on the DATA Agency and the VIKINGS villains, read our Top Secret Brief.
- Curriculum Level: Second (P5-P7) Third (S1-S3)
Find the VIKINGS Secret Lair
This activity is part of our set of Data-themed Escape Rooms. For background info on the DATA Agency and the VIKINGS villains, read our Top Secret Brief.
- Curriculum Level: Second (P5-P7) Third (S1-S3)
Locked in the DATA base
This activity is part of our set of Data-themed Escape Rooms. For background info on the DATA Agency and the VIKINGS villains, read our Top Secret Brief.
- Curriculum Level: Second (P5-P7) Third (S1-S3)
Agent Briefing Logic Puzzles
This activity is part of our set of Data-themed Escape Rooms. For background info on the DATA Agency and the VIKINGS villains, read our Top Secret Brief.
- Curriculum Level: Second (P5-P7) Third (S1-S3)
Micro:bit Monsters (Early/First Level version)
Make a Micro:Pet that smiles and sings! In this lesson, learners will code a micro:bit to show a face and make sounds. The learners can then design a papercraft monster to fit round the micro:bit.
- Curriculum Level: Early (Pre 5 & P1) First (P2-P4)
Datasets resource
Interested in Pokemon? Hip hop music? Air quality? Gender equality? Football? Space dogs? There's a data set for it!
- Curriculum Level: First (P2-P4) NPA Data Science Second (P5-P7) Senior Phase (S4-6) Third (S1-S3)
Micro:bit Data Monsters
Make a Micro:bit Monster and put it to work collecting data for you! In this lesson, learners will code a micro:bit to show a face and make sounds, as well as sense the ambient temperature. The learners can then design a papercraft monster to fit round the micro:bit, and decide where in the classroom or school they will put their monster.
- Curriculum Level: Second (P5-P7)
Teach Data Literacy: a guide for primary teachers
'Teach Data Literacy: a guide for primary teachers' is a resource developed by the Data Education in Schools team to support teachers to enhance opportunities for all to build the skills and habits of mind relevant to data problem-solving.
- Curriculum Level: Early (Pre 5 & P1) First (P2-P4) Second (P5-P7)
NPA Data Science – SOLAR Dashboard Assessment Exemplar
This PDF document provides guidance on a method for developing an interactive dashboard that fulfils the criteria for the NPA Data Science SOLAR assessment question on mapping bike routes using historical Just Eat bikes data. It is provided as an example of how students could successfully meet the criteria.
- Curriculum Level: NPA Data Science Senior Phase (S4-6)
Data Explorer Cards
Our Data Explorer cards introduce children and young people to a data problem-solving approach (PPDAC). The design builds on informal question-asking behaviours and supports learners’ exploration of data in relation to the themes of Lego! Birds! Lost Property! Plastics! or a theme of their choosing. Question prompts on the cards support learners to explore problems, plan, collect data, analyse and draw conclusions.
- Curriculum Level: Early (Pre 5 & P1) First (P2-P4) Second (P5-P7)
From your plate to the planet: the environmental impact of what we eat
Download the lesson plan in Word or PDF
- Curriculum Level: Second (P5-P7)
Welcome Trainee Agents of DATA!
Information for Trainee Agents: Welcome! Thank you for joining the Defence Against Temporal Attacks as a Trainee Agent.
- Curriculum Level: Second (P5-P7)
CityFibre’s ‘Internet for All’ Data Challenge
NPA Data Science: Level 6 assessment exemplar How do we make sure everyone in Scotland as fast internet access? The Scottish Government has committed to having superfast broadband access to all by the end of 2021. Grants are in place for suppliers to help deliver this mission.
- Curriculum Level: NPA Data Science Senior Phase (S4-6)
Water Pollution – Developing Data Literacy Skills
This resource introduces an understanding of water pollution, what is it, how do we measure it and why does it matter. Young people are encouraged to develop data literacy skills through an understanding of water. This material was taken from our Webinar - Making a Splash with Data
- Curriculum Level: Second (P5-P7) Senior Phase (S4-6) Third (S1-S3)
What’s Going on in this Graph – SDGs & Water
This resource develops learner's data interpretation skills by asking " What's going on in this graph?" This material was taken from our Webinar – Making a Splash with Data
- Curriculum Level: Second (P5-P7) Senior Phase (S4-6) Third (S1-S3)
Currents & Tides – Developing Data Literacy Skills
This resource introduces an understanding of currents and tides in water. How can we understand currents and tides, how can it improve our understanding of the world. Young people are encouraged to develop data literacy skills through an understanding of water. This material was taken from our Webinar - Making a Splash with Data
- Curriculum Level: Second (P5-P7) Senior Phase (S4-6) Third (S1-S3)
Water Quality – Developing Data Literacy Skills
This resource introduces an understanding of water quality, what is it, how do we measure it and why does it matter. Young people are encouraged to develop data literacy skills through an understanding of water. This material was taken from our Webinar - Making a Splash with Data
- Curriculum Level: Second (P5-P7) Senior Phase (S4-6) Third (S1-S3)
All About Water – Developing Data Literacy Skills
This resource introduces an understanding of water on our planet and helps learners understand where water is found and how it is used. Young people are encouraged to develop data literacy skills through an understanding of water. This material was taken from our Webinar - Making a Splash with Data
- Curriculum Level: Second (P5-P7) Senior Phase (S4-6) Third (S1-S3)
Dear Data (6 Lessons)
Dear Data This resource brings together 6 lessons that make use of the book Dear Data by Stefanie Posavec and Giorgia Lupi.
- Curriculum Level: Second (P5-P7)
Data Citizenship Level 4 assessment exemplar
An example practical assessment for the Data Citizenship unit to help you practice the skills involved in the real assessment.
- Curriculum Level: NPA Data Science Senior Phase (S4-6)
DataFit – Developing Data & Physical Activity Literacy
The DataFit mission is to simultaneously increase data literacy and physical activity literacy.
- Curriculum Level: Second (P5-P7) Third (S1-S3)
Seasonal Datasets
Some resource links to support your exploration of seasonal data. If you have datasets you would like to see included on this page, please get in touch at (subject line 'seasonal datasets')
- Curriculum Level: Second (P5-P7) Senior Phase (S4-6) Third (S1-S3)
Guide for Educators teaching the NPA in Data Science
The Data Education in Schools team have developed an Educators Guide for the National Progression Award (NPA) in Data Science.
Guide for Learners studying the NPA Data Science
The Data Education in Schools team have developed a Learners Guide for the National Progression Award (NPA) in Data Science.
Spooky Data – Learning about Databases
This resource uses the Scottish witch trials as the context to develop learners’ data literacy skills and to introduce the idea of a database.
- Curriculum Level: Third (S1-S3)
Climates, Microclimates & Temperature Data
Download this activity in PDF or Word
- Curriculum Level: Second (P5-P7)
The Boy at the Back of the Class – Using Data
This activity provides data learning opportunities for classes reading ‘The Boy At The Back Of The Class’ by Onjali Q. Raúf.
- Curriculum Level: Second (P5-P7)
Spotify Data Analysis
Spotify Data Analysis makes use of secondary data from Spotify.
- Curriculum Level: First (P2-P4) Second (P5-P7)
Introducing PPDAC At Early Level
Introducing the ‘Problem Plan Data Analysis Conclusion’ data problem solving cycle (PPDAC) At Early Level.
- Curriculum Level: Early (Pre 5 & P1)
Gapminder Cards – Data to Challenge our Assumptions
A card game to help us understand how we can use data to challenge our assumptions about our communities and cities.
- Curriculum Level: Second (P5-P7)
Data Sweets
Gathering data about sweets and explaining what we have discovered in a data visualisation.
- Curriculum Level: Second (P5-P7)
Useful Datasets for Data Education in Schools
A wide range of useful datasets that can support data education in schools.
- Curriculum Level: NPA Data Science Second (P5-P7) Senior Phase (S4-6) Third (S1-S3)
Make a Top Trumps Game
Helping learners become familiar with the idea of data and how it can be categorised.
- Curriculum Level: First (P2-P4) Second (P5-P7)
Make a Guess Who Game
Using the well known children’s game to help us think about data, categorisation and pattern matching.
- Curriculum Level: First (P2-P4) Second (P5-P7)
Tools for Collaboration and Resource Creation
Here are some links to some of the best tools for collaboration and resource creation on the internet.
Videos for industry volunteers in computing classrooms
Access a range of video clips on topics relevant to industry professionals preparing for work in a computing classroom.
Experiences and Outcomes
This Excel sheet is a guide to the Experiences and Outcomes in the Scottish 'Broad General Education' curriculum that feature data literacy.
- Curriculum Level: Early (Pre 5 & P1) First (P2-P4) Second (P5-P7) Third (S1-S3)